Friday 8 February 2013

Sweet potato (Satsuma imo) rounds

Japanese sweet potatoes (satsuma imo) can be used in many recipes. Since we really like the taste of the potato, we have tried many of these recipes (and have uploaded already quite a few). Recently we tried another Satsuma imo recipe, which was a great success so we want to share it today.

The recipe is for making sweet potato baked rounds. (we are not sure how to name it.. maybe it can also be sweet potato cookies, or sweet potato cakes, anything will do!)

Ingredients (2p):
  • 1 Satsumo imo
  • sesame seeds
  • oil for frying
First, peel the potatoes (this will make it much easier to purée them and shape them into rounds later on) and cut them into small pieces.

Next, we are going to steam the potatoes till they become soft. Bring a small amount of water to boil, and place your steamer with the potato on top. You will probably need to steam for around 20 (-30) minutes for the potatoes to become soft.
If you don't have anything to steam with, you should also be able to soften en potato if you put them for around 10 minutes in the microwave (but we have personally never tried it, so double check the time and stand needed)

Let it cool down a bit and mash the potatoes. You can use a masher, but otherwise we have found that a normal fork also works just fine.

For the next step we shape the mashed satsumo imo into flat rounds (around 1,5 cm thick), and we add sesame seeds on both sides.

Heat some frying oil in the pan and bake the potato rounds (on both sides) for a couple of minutes.
Serve as a side dish with some soy sauce (or mayonnaise for a the less-healthy variant). Goes great with almost all rice-based meals.

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